EVG Website

One of the awesome things about working with a group of Art Directors was being able to focus my talents elsewhere when a project called for it. Euclid Vision Group needed a new website, and I was able to put my product designer hat on and run that entire side of the project.
The Challenge
Create UX and UI of the new EVG website.
The Details
I started with research. What were EVG's competitors doing? What were the concerns and goals of the company? Figuring out what information to show, and where and how to show it was my main goal. Also, we had just finished rebranding EVG, so we didn't want to leave their old site up until the relaunch. Phase one was an MVP microsite to keep a web presence while working working through Phase two: the full website.
Getting the tone right was important as well – EVG considered themselves a luxury company, and I wanted to make sure that all micro-interactions and animations with components conveyed that point as well. Thinking though what something would look like on mobile and making sure it was designed to scale was very important as well.
I wired and tested, formed opinions, reiterated and researched, and then pitched the architecture and the Art Director pitched her concepts. Working with dev was also super rewarding on this project, as most of the choices made on this site were custom and needed to be thought through for each device width.
The Validation
We were able to user test while the site was still in wire form with all copy added. Results caused us to tweak a few of the more unique components to something more familiar to users. When the site was launched, the company reported more inquiries on products and partnerships and less inquiries on who they were.